Chicago Teachers Union boss sending kids to private school

If there's one thing that a Chicago Teacher's Union boss can be counted on doing, it's to push for laws that eliminate public school competition even if it means children's education and even well-being suffers (hello, 2020). 

If there are two things that a Chicago Teacher's Union boss can be counted on, is to be completely full of shit.

The union boss, Stacey Davis Gates, has said that her kids going to public schools legitimize her position and that "school choice was actually the choice of racists." Strong words. She also tried to kill Chciago initiatives that would allocate city funds for scholarships to go to private school.

It was recently reported that Gates has enrolled one of her children in private school.

Well, good for her, I say, for growing and realizing that school choice really is a good thing. Except I doubt any of her stances would actually change. She will likely, when this all cools, continue to attempt to suppress alternatives to public school.

She issued a statement in response.

Let's see. 

She spends the two paragraphs berating the person that leaked the story (which if true, don't be an asshole and dox her and her kids).

The third paragraph she talks about race.

Then she talks about how she does all this good work yet the schools are terrible.

Then she goes into class warfare before going back to race.

Finally, in the second half of the essay, she addresses that her son goes to a private school, in a one sentence paragraph, with the excuse that he wants to play soccer and having a proper curriculum (which public schools don't have, I guess?).

Then she goes back to attacking her opponents.

That...was not a response. Moreover, it just reminds everyone how evil her policies are. So she, who gets paid several times that of the median salary in Chicago, sends her child to private school because, her son can't get what he needs in public school, yet is perfectly okay with doing everything she can to force people with lesser means to go to public school that don't fulfill their kids' needs.

Many people call her a hypocrite for calling school choice advocates racists then sending her son to private school, but is it? On the contrary, I never said she is not a racist.

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