Amash ends bid for presidency

Justin Amash
Well, that was short lived.

An exploratory committee is usually just a formality, but I guess it unearthed high levels of two party entrenchment and a tougher bill to climb with the pandemic. 

Thankfully, it appears he is interested in staying with the party and helping it grow. I assume he would continue his run for congress, though his split from the Republican Party could hinder him. With him pissing off some in the GOP over the Trump impeachment, the establishment, never one to appreciate dissension, may end up eventually eliminating his district anyway due to people leaving Michigan, technically removing his incumbent status. But I hope he runs and wins the seat.

During his flirtation, he gave the Libertarian Party a nice infusion of media, even if some media outlets still refuse to change his letter from an I to an L. 

In an internal party poll, Amash came in first after 11 rounds with Jo Jorgensen coming in second, a surprise to me since I thought Hornberger was a pretty clear second. It's unclear who would get second place votes from Amash, though I'd think it's likely Judge Gray would receive more of those votes than Hornberger would.

And really, any of the Libertarian Party nominees would be light years better than either the senile child sniffer or the incoherent buffoon.

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