Black man sucker punched for political reasons. Evidence of racism?

BLM protest, I think somewhere in New York. // photo by Life Matters

In San Francisco three weekends ago, a black man, Philip Anderson, organized a protest. Before the event, someone came up and sucker-punched Anderson, knocking two of his teeth out. Racial slurs were heard in a video of the event as they shouted him away through the police barricade set up for the event. The slurs, as well as yelling in support of the violence just committed, were clearly from people in the group antagonizing Philip, though it isn't clear the race of the person shouting those words.

If you guessed the people doing the punching and shouting racial slurs were a Proud Boys or other alt-right member, you would be wrong. Philip, a black conservative who supports Trump, was punched, allegedly, by a member of Antifa, the violent far-left group that unironically uses fascist tactics to fight those they perceive as, but not actually being fascist. In other words, Antifa is a fascist group masquerading as an anti-fascist group. The perpetrator is also a member of the Black Lives Matter organization.

Anderson was holding a "free speech protest" to demonstrate against social media censorship. So of course, people on the left with so many layers of bubble wrap around their ideologies thought he's fascist, like Carol Seligman who said "They have no business being here, they're trying to build a fascist movement in this country." Really? You think holding a free speech rally qualifies someone as being fascist? Or is it because she somehow equates every Trump supporter as a fascist, indicating she has never had a discussion with any Trump supporter?

Even a progressive who claims to believe in free speech said "It's tough, I believe in free speech but I'm also anti-fascism." Elana Thurson-Milgrom, who uttered those words, apparently never thought to stop and consider her own statement as self-contradictory in the context of the actual protest. If someone is protesting against the suppression of speech, how can they be fascist, with suppression of speech being one of the central tenets of any fascist? And if you believe in free speech, it doesn't matter how much you are against the words uttered, you shouldn't be for censoring them. Not censoring speech you don't agree with is the entire point of free speech.

As usual, there is zero evidence presented whether Philip Anderson is actually a fascist or not. I doubt many of the counter-protesters would even be able to properly define fascism, judging by their continued mislabelling of people that are fascist.

The San Francisco Police Department did make an arrest, identified as Adroa Anderson. He was charged with mayhem (not assault?) plus hate crime enhancement. I'm no fan of hate crime laws as all crime is hateful, but this is just some delicious poetic justice, as there is a high probability, given political leanings, that Adroa is (now, was?) a fan of hate crime legislation.

Antifa publicized fundraising efforts for Adroa. No indication was made as to whether they think Adroa was innocent of the charges, so presumably, the fundraising was to support a fellow violent protestor. 

The days following unfolded like a Not the Onion story, with Philip's Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts suspended, with members of the progressive left mocking Philip's injuries. A Jay Barmann, a white man, wrote a post calling Philip Anderson a "highly confused young Black man," as if he is all-knowing and can read minds. There isn't much that is more racially insensitive than a white person essentially saying all black people should only have one allowable opinion. You know, kind of like Joe Biden saying that if you're voting for Trump over Biden, "you ain't black".

Sorry, white progressives. Black people, or any other minority, are not your property, as much as you might want them to be.

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