Quick Jots: July 2021

Sha'Carri Richardson banned from Tokyo Olympics
Just before the Olympic Trials at the new Hayward Field, Sha'Carri's mother died, and to cope, she ingested some THC. The Olympic Committee bans athletes from taking substances that give them an unfair advantage over other athletes. With Sha'Carri, apparently ingesting a substance that would slow someone down is also not allowed. There isn't even a legal argument, as marijuana is legal in Oregon, where she ingested the substance. The governing body had a list of reasons for banning pot, none of which make any sense. If she had drunk herself into a stupor instead, by all means, a much more dangerous activity, she would be in Tokyo right now. 

Of the ban, Biden, who fueled the war against pot in the 90s resulting in tens (hundreds?) of thousands of black people being hauled off to jail for nonviolent "crimes", said, "The rules are the rules." You know what else are the rules? The power of the declaration of war belongs to Congress, not the president. Sha'Carri's actions have never gotten anyone killed by not following rules. I can't say the same for Joe. At least we got out of this a great clip of Chris Hahn embarrassing himself on Kennedy during an exchange with Dave Smith.

Good thing fireworks are illegal
#legislation #police
In many counties in California, fireworks are banned. The LAPD seized many fireworks and decided it would be a good idea to detonate them on a public street. It ended up destroying the street and injuring 17 people. Maybe the counties had a good idea. They just have banned the fireworks from the wrong people. In my neighborhood, signs popped up all over the place making sure that everyone knew fireworks were illegal. People in the neighborhood promptly ignored all the signs. We suffered no injuries or property damage.

Revolution of Our Times Cannes Film Festival
This film looks awesome. I'm sure China will be pleased with this and write a glowing recommendation in the Global Times, along with an endorsement of the Cannes Film Festival.

Jackie Chan wants to join the CCP
In what I assume was a ploy to keep the mainland money flowing, Jackie Chan got on his knees and chortled some Chinese Communist Party sack. He talked about how it takes the CCP only decades, not 100 years to accomplish something. Don't sell them short, Jackie. The CCP can accomplish things much quicker than that. Like causing mass famines. Like herding Uyghurs into concentration camps. Like slaughtering protesters in a public square. Like oppressing people living in a free territory. None of those things took decades. When I was young, I used to look up to him. He is a traitor to his people. He is dead to me.

Billionaires in space, progs jealous
As billionaires cross the stratosphere, progressives piss and moan about billionaires making too much money, demanding they steal more of their stuff. How dare they have so much money they can start their own space program. How dare they employ thousands of people in this endeavor. How dare they purchase materials to assemble their craft, employing tens of thousands more. How dare they utilize these resources to endeavor to expand human prosperity by blazing a trail toward industries like asteroid mining, space tourism, and astronomic research. Some say the billionaires should instead spend the money to alleviate poverty domestically, which they already do through their charitable donations and foundations. But most of the population is content to just laugh at the shape of Bezos's rockets. It's such a sad state of affairs when billionaires spend their own money on a space program. If only the government could set up a space program and call it, oh, I don't know, NASA, then we can have a space program that forces poor and middle-class people to fund it. 'Cause that's so much better.

Crime surge
#legislation #police
Target stores in San Francisco close at 6pm nightly for a temporary duration, following a spike in shoplifting. How temporary is this? We've gone through a year of riots and looting with no real repercussions from law enforcement. California Proposition 47 also increased the threshold for felony theft to $950. Given California's limited legal protections for those that protect private property, misdemeanor theft is unlikely to be stopped by private enforcement. Why would Target want to risk a multi-million dollar assault and battery lawsuit from the shoplifter for preventing someone from stealing an Xbox? For all the calls from the progressives to "defund the police", it only works when private enforcement is allowed to work. Of course, city officials dispute this rise in crime. But given that CVS and Walgreens have joined Target in stating shoplifting had increased significantly, I'll take their word for it over city officials since they actually have actual skin in the game. 

The US bombs Somalia twice this month alone
It looks like the war against Somalia is back on. Are the antiracists still cheerleading for Biden? Perhaps their solution, if they're even aware of Biden's aggressions exclusively toward countries whose populations are primarily black and Middle Eastern, would be to equitably bomb white countries to combat white fragility.

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