Idle Doodle: My COVID experience

Back in the middle-late January, I gots the Covids, probably because I was busy living my life.

I had a sore throat and was fatigued for about a day and a half if I round up. I had some mild body aches, but I confused that with sleeping wrong, at first. I probably had a fever, but I don't know how much because my son lost our thermometer. After that, there was a lingering cough, but even that was mild. I had a very mild runny nose a bit before that, but I get pretty bad seasonal allergies, which has started as early as January before, so I'm used to it.

And that was it.

All in all, I missed about two or three hours of work due to sickness and worked from home the rest of the time. In total, I missed about twelve hours of work, but the vast majority of that was due to childcare needs since my son could not go to school during this time and I wasn't about to send him off to his grandparents.

From what I've heard about people catching it, my experience was pretty much on par with others catching Omicron. Even two people I know who caught it with several comorbidities sailed through Omicron with relative ease.

Excepting the common cold, this was one of the lighter illnesses I've had. I can recall at least five illnesses that were exponentially worse than this, including delirium and in excess of 105-degree temperatures, and I doubt my bout with COVID would make a top ten if I could remember more times I got sick. Interestingly, I caught some kind of bug in December and that was a bit worse than COVID, given that I had a pretty bad cough from that for a month. So, COVID wasn't even the most serious illness I got in the same rolling month. 

My son did catch it because, well, I'm still a parent. He got tired enough to voluntarily take a nap two days in a row, something that pretty much never happens. He also had a small cough, and that was it for him. My wife never caught it despite never bothering to distance from me.

So now I have excellent, long-lasting immunity and I just felt bad for a day and change. People going to get yet another booster in a few months will go and maybe get sick for a day. And again six months after that. And again after that. 

Interestingly, California had rebooted its requirement for businesses to create a second pool of sick time for COVID. Considering the firm I work at diligently followed CDC guidelines to refuse my return for 5 days with a mask thereafter (yeah, right) or 10 days, I will be partaking in this.

Two other people in my small firm also caught it, one a week before me and another about three weeks after. Interestingly, my two-year-old niece tested positive right around the same time I did and she gave it to my brother-in-law. My sister never caught it. My wife's coworker tested positive around the same time as well and she has pretty much every comorbidity in the book, except for age. She sailed through it. A fellow libertarian activist caught it back in December. She was far from being in shape and she was more annoyed by it than sick from it.

Go out and live your life, folks. You will not get the past two years back. But stay home if you get sick. Protect people that are the most at risk, if they want. Like my son's grandparents.

In semi-related news, my rear bumper absorber was finally delivered to the body shop and was replaced a week ago. I was rear-ended in November. That is one hell of a delay. Damned government-caused supply chain issue.

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