
The following are several terms I use that may be a bit esoteric to those not as engaged in certain circles. Other listed terms may be commonly used but due to the fissures of politics, may be defined very differently depending on which political circles you run in. These are how I define these terms and others that use these terms may disagree. 

Anarcho-capitalist (anarcho-capitalism)
This is by far the largest anarchist sub-category of libertarianism. Sporting a term coined by Murray Rothbard, they are loud and proud, though still a (quickly) growing minority within libertarianism. In my estimation, this is the only viable version of anarchism in existence, in that it is the only version that is actually anarchistic in the truest sense of the word (without government) and that it would probably function better than the society we have today. The intricacies are too many to discuss here, but the big one to know, since it's so misunderstood, is that although they are anarchists, it doesn't mean they believe in a totally lawless society. They largely believe in communities setting up rules for themselves and the utilization of private arbitration to settle disputes, private security in lieu of police, and a private militia for defensive purposes only in lieu of a military. Yes, they have solutions for roads as well.

Binary thinking
This describes a thought process that is overly simplistic, with the logical fallacy of "If not A, then B" without thinking that it may be C, or D, etc. Binary thinker would then describe a person who is unable to process nuance. For example, if a person says that he is against vaccine mandates, and a person accuses them of being anti-vax, the accuser is a binary thinker, exhibiting thinking that one can either only be either for vaccines and mandates or against vaccines and mandates. Of course, in reality, one can be for vaccines and at the same time against vaccine mandates. One can even be for vaccines for certain groups but think is not needed or even negative for some other groups. This level of nuance can often be impossible to grasp for binary thinkers, as when the other possibilities are pointed out, they just dig in their heels on the binary selection.

Cathedral, The
A name referring to the people in charge of pushing the establishment narrative. This typically involves the government at all levels, the corporate media, and education establishments including universities and public K-12 schools. Members of the Cathedral can be either left or right and often exhibit religious fanaticism toward their dogmatic political positions. High priests are often appointed at the highest levels of government, not only in elected positions but in appointed positions as well. Those that go against the Cathedral are often demonized and forced out of polite society for heresy or blasphemy. The ideas that go against the Cathedral are almost never refuted (even if wrong) but rather simply denounced and shouted down.
similar: The establishment 

Classical Liberal (classical liberalism)
A sub-genre of libertarianism, classical liberals are those that believe governments should be confined to the smallest possible size and scope possible. They, like minarchists, generally think governments should exist to protect rights, but unlike minarchists, tend to think governments should also take on basic functions and regulations that they think free markets don't do as well, for various reasons, like roads. 

Corporate Press
Most commonly referred to as the mainstream media, Michael Malice has put forth the argument that they should instead be called the corporate press or corporate media because the cable news shows and mega newspapers such as the New York Times or Washington Post are no longer mainstream. Social media, while it often gives bad information, has made it easier for people to find information that illustrates what a propaganda machine those outlets are. It's not a perfect term, but few are.
similar: Mainstream media

Libertarian (libertarianism)
A political ideology based upon freedom, and the Non-Aggression Principle. The vast majority of libertarians also believe that the ideology is based on property rights, starting with self-ownership. It is perhaps one of the more misunderstood ideologies due to the constant articles (mostly from the left) describing it without actually understanding it, and people who self-describe as a libertarian (mostly from the right) without actually understanding it. Libertarianism is an umbrella ideology and encompasses many sub-genres of libertarianism. The three largest components are minarchism, anarcho-capitalism, and classical liberalism. Rarer sub-ideologies are geolibertarians and libertarian socialists. Rarer still are fringe groups such as anarcho-communism. 

Libertarian Party
This is the political party that is the most closely aligned to libertarianism. It is the third-largest political party in the United States with several hundred elected officials, mostly in local offices throughout the country. It was officially founded in 1971 and was the first party to nominate for president a gay man (at least, widely believed to be gay), John Hospers, and the first female vice president, Tonie Nathan Theodora, both in 1972. The national and state parties are officially set up as separate entities but work essentially as one, except for membership and dues. There are parties aligned with libertarianism across the world, but they may have different names. The usage of the Libertarian Party in this blog exclusively refers to the party in the United States unless otherwise noted.

Lizard People/Person
This is a descriptor of a person part of The Cathedral that doesn't care how many lives they end, ruin, mutilate, or imprison, as long as they get a little bit of power and/or economic gain. As an example, Kamala Harris withheld information that would have exonerated someone on trial, facing the death penalty, just so she can notch another win as a prosecutor. Kamala Harris is, then, a lizard person.

Minarchist (minarchism)
This is a sub-genre of libertarianism. The word refers to getting as close to anarchy without actually getting there. Minarchists generally believe that there should be a government, but its existence is solely to protect the rights of people. Governments should have courts, a police force, and a military. And that is more or less it.

Non-Aggression Principle
A libertarian ethical axiom that states: No individual or group shall initiate violence against others. From this, most libertarian principles and positions can be derived. For example, a person who murders someone has initiated violence against another, but someone killing another in self-defense has not initiated violence. This principle is applied to all people and groups, including the government. The Libertarian Party requires a pledge to a version of this principle as a condition of membership.

Pill(ed), Blue
A reference to the movie The Matrix, being blue pilled means a person is a full believer of the information that comes out of The Cathedral. They often not only believe it but believe it fervently, dismissing all contrary information out of hand. They also, ironically, tend to believe they are the open-minded ones in society despite having the least amount of tolerance to opposing ideas and the most unlikely to understand what other positions are. To be clear, these aren't necessarily stupid people. Many have at least lukewarm IQs and many are Ivy League-educated people. However, they seem to exhibit mostly the intelligence to memorize facts at the cost of critical thought, leading them to be more easily manipulated and educated with propaganda. Garbage in, garbage out.
Note: Blue and red-pilled has nothing to do with political parties

Pill(ed), Red
A reference to the movie The Matrix, being red-pilled means a person sees the lies told to them by The Cathedral, understanding, at least eventually, that these lies are perpetrated in order to keep some very unsavory and downright evil people in positions of power. A red pilled person may believe some people are just ignorantly pushing or excusing evil, such as the genocide in Yemen, but they also believe some are intentionally pushing these evils to gain power, prestige, and money. The whole left-right dichotomy, at least to me, seems to mostly disappear as it becomes more apparent that the battle is increasingly more along the lines of red-pilled and blue-pilled people. Those that engage in wild conspiracy theories and call themselves red-pilled are known as taking the whole bottle of red pills.
Note: Blue and red-pilled has nothing to do with political parties

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